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6 My Favorite Things - PI Sunshine Kisses STAMP AND MATCHING DIE #16 My Favorite Things - PI Sunshine Kisses STAMP AND MATCHING DIE #26 My Favorite Things - PI Sunshine Kisses STAMP AND MATCHING DIE #3

6 My Favorite Things - PI Sunshine Kisses STAMP AND MATCHING DIE

Sunshine = fun time, and this adorable Pure Innocence sunbather is summer-ready in her best suit, comfiest lounge chair, and shade-providing umbrella and chilled drink to keep her cool on the hottest of summer days. There's no better time than right now to invite your sun-loving friends to chill with you soon! Our clear stamps are made in the USA and include the name of the set on the sticker for easy identification. 4" x 4" clear stamp set - (7) piece set. Sentiments: Can We Chill Together Soon?, Sending Sunshine Kisses and Fun Summer Wishes. Sunbather 2 7/8" x 2", Umbrella 1 3/4" x 2 1/4", Table 5/8" x 3/4", Glass 1/4" x 1/4", Sun 3/4".
Price: £20.00
16.67 - exc. VAT

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