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Taylored Expression - Blender Brush Create Color Labels #1Taylored Expression - Blender Brush Create Color Labels #2

Taylored Expression - Blender Brush Create Color Labels

Use our Blender Brush Create Color Labels to designate a color family for each of your TE Bitty Blender Brushes (sold separately)! This set of 18 oval adhesive stickers is designed to fit perfectly on the handles of your TE Bitty Blender Brushes and includes a wide range of colors that coordinates perfectly with TE Premium Ink. Printed on durable vinyl and featuring the word "create" to inspire you even further, they're ready to peel and stick. Set includes 18 individual stickers.
Price: £2.50
2.08 - exc. VAT

Product ID TE-TESP39
Taylored Expression - TE Bitty Blender Brushes
1 of 3
13.75 - exc. VAT

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