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Honey Bee - Tropical Bouquets | Honey Cuts #1Honey Bee - Tropical Bouquets | Honey Cuts #2Honey Bee - Tropical Bouquets | Honey Cuts #3

Honey Bee - Tropical Bouquets | Honey Cuts

Package contains 25 dies. Black lines indicate the cut lines. Honey Cuts... our very own custom craft dies, made of high-quality finished 100% steel. Compatible with most die-cutting machines on the market today. Approximate Dimensions: Round Vase: 2 1/4" wide x 2" tall, Tall Vase: 1 1/4" wide x 2 1/8" tall, Palm Leaf: 2 1/8" wide x 2 3/4" tall, Monstera Leaf: 1 7/8" wide x 2 1/2" tall
Price: £21.50
17.92 - exc. VAT

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