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Honey Bee - Just BEEcause | 6x8 Stamp Set #1Honey Bee - Just BEEcause | 6x8 Stamp Set #2Honey Bee - Just BEEcause | 6x8 Stamp Set #3

Honey Bee - Just BEEcause | 6x8 Stamp Set

26 Piece | 6x8 Stamp Set. Designed and made with love in the USA, of the highest quality American made photopolymer! Thank you for supporting American Made Quality! DIMENSIONS Sentiments range from: 5/8" - 3 " wide x 1/4" - 1 3/8" tall, Honey Jar: 2 3/4" wide x 2 5/8" tall, Honey Dipper: 3/4" wide x 3 1/8" tall.
Price: £17.00
14.17 - exc. VAT

Product ID hbs-HBDS-347
Honey Bee - Just BEEcause | Honey Cuts
1 of 3
17.50 - exc. VAT

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