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Honey Bee - Coffee Break | 4x6 Stamp Set #1Honey Bee - Coffee Break | 4x6 Stamp Set #2Honey Bee - Coffee Break | 4x6 Stamp Set #3

Honey Bee - Coffee Break | 4x6 Stamp Set

Coffee Break Exclusive 16 Piece - 4x6 Stamp Set. Designed and Made With Love In the USA! Highest Quality American Made Photopolymer. Super crisp; clean images. Stamp dimensions: Large Frappe cup: 1.6" wide x 2.32" tall. Large hot cup: 1.47" wide x 2.23" tall. Large cup on saucer: 2.14" round. Small coffee cup: 1.64" wide x 1.10" tall. Donut: 1.23" round
Price: £12.00
10.00 - exc. VAT

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